How To Write An About Page That Builds Brand Credibility

How To Write An About Page That Builds Brand Credibility

The first handshake with your audience often happens online, with your About Page serving as the front door to your brand’s world. This introduction must be informative, engaging, and trustworthy.

Achieving this trifecta is no small feat, but it’s essential for establishing brand credibility.

To truly stand out, one must blend traditional elements with unexpected twists. This mix not only captures attention but also showcases your brand’s unique personality and ethos.

Embracing both the conventional and the unconventional allows your About Page to resonate deeply, turning casual browsers into loyal followers.

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Why are About Pages so incredibly important to brand websites?

About Pages are the cornerstone of brand websites, serving as the definitive narrative that defines a brand’s identity, values, and mission. This crucial section goes beyond mere corporate storytelling; it’s where a brand articulates its unique value proposition, setting the stage for every interaction a visitor will have with the company.

By weaving together the history, people, and ethos of the brand, the About Page creates a compelling portrait that fosters trust and builds emotional connections. It’s here that businesses have the opportunity to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, showcasing not just what they do, but why they do it and who benefits.

In an era where consumers are inundated with choices, a well-crafted About Page can be the deciding factor that turns a visitor into a customer, making it an indispensable tool in converting interest into loyalty.

Through transparency, authenticity, and a clear display of values, the About Page is a brand’s chance to communicate its story and essence, directly influencing its perceived credibility and reliability in the marketplace.

Proven and unusual ideas for developing credible About Pages

In crafting About Pages that resonate credibility, the fusion of proven methods with unconventional ideas is not just beneficial; it’s essential. This approach aligns perfectly with my “Unusual By Strategy” forte, advocating for a blend that leverages the reliability of established practices while infusing creativity and innovation.

Traditional elements, such as clear value propositions, detailed founder stories, and transparent business practices, lay a trustworthy foundation. Yet, it’s the injection of the unusual—interactive timelines, customer journey maps, or even augmented reality experiences of a brand’s evolution—that captivates and engages.

These offbeat strategies not only differentiate a brand in a saturated market but also foster a deeper connection with the audience. By strategically combining these elements, About Pages transform into dynamic narratives that not only tell a brand’s story but also actively involve the audience in its ongoing journey, thereby enhancing credibility and establishing a memorable digital footprint.

This tailored mix underscores a commitment to both innovation and authenticity, propelling brands towards achieving a more profound impact.

8 steps to write About Page copy that builds brand credibility

Leveraging my 40+ years’ experience as a Brand Content Strategist with a penchant for the unusual, I’ve devised 8 ideas that combine time-tested approaches with innovative twists for crafting an About Page that enhances brand credibility. These strategies not only adhere to the foundational principles of effective storytelling and transparent communication but also integrate unique elements that captivate and engage.

From leveraging multimedia testimonials to incorporating interactive timelines or gamification elements, each idea is designed to work harder, ensuring your About Page not only tells your brand’s story but does so in a way that is both memorable and deeply resonant with your audience.

How To Write An About Page That Builds Brand Credibility (Infographic)

1. Start with your value proposition

Opening your About Page with a clear value proposition is akin to greeting your visitors with a firm handshake and a confident smile; it sets the tone for the entire conversation.

Imagine a boutique coffee roaster, Bean Innovations, highlighting its commitment to sustainability and innovation right from the get-go. This approach not only articulates what Bean Innovations does differently but also why it matters to their customers, creating an immediate emotional and intellectual connection.

This strategy is a cornerstone of effective content marketing, as it succinctly communicates the unique benefits and solutions a brand offers, aligning with the audience’s needs and values. By weaving this proposition into the fabric of your About Page, you’re not just listing services or products; you’re telling a compelling story of how your brand enhances the lives of its customers.

This narrative is what transforms casual browsers into loyal customers, making your value proposition not just an introduction, but a pivotal element that underpins your brand’s credibility and appeal.


  • Identify core differentiators: Determine what sets your brand apart from competitors. This involves deep market research and understanding your unique selling points, whether it’s your product’s innovative features, your commitment to sustainability, or exceptional customer service.
  • Craft a concise statement: Develop a clear, compelling value proposition statement that encapsulates your differentiators in a few sentences. This statement should be easy to understand, memorable, and directly address how your brand solves a problem or improves the customer’s life.
  • Use engaging language: Write your value proposition in language that resonates with your target audience. Use persuasive, benefit-focused terminology that speaks directly to the reader’s needs, desires, and potential pain points, avoiding jargon or overly technical terms.
  • Visually highlight your proposition: Integrate your value proposition into the About Page design prominently. This could be through a standout header, an eye-catching graphic, or a video that quickly catches the visitor’s attention and communicates your core message.
  • Test and refine: Continuously test how your value proposition resonates with your audience through A/B testing, customer feedback, and analytics. Refine your message based on what you learn to ensure it remains relevant, compelling, and effective in building brand credibility.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Value Proposition Storytelling.” This unusual enhancement involves turning your value proposition into a short, interactive story or animation that unfolds as the visitor scrolls through your About Page. Instead of simply stating your value proposition, you narrate it through a blend of visuals, text, and perhaps even audio, making the experience both immersive and memorable.

For Bean Innovations, this could mean an animated journey showing a single coffee bean’s path from sustainable farm to innovative roasting process, highlighting their commitment to quality and environmental responsibility. Each scroll reveals a new chapter, engaging the visitor not just with what Bean Innovations does, but how and why they do it, making their value proposition a compelling narrative rather than a static statement.

2. Tell your brand story compellingly

Crafting a compelling brand story on your About Page is like opening a window into the soul of your business, offering visitors a glimpse of your journey, struggles, and triumphs.

Take, for instance, a startup, EcoThreads, that revolutionizes the fashion industry with eco-friendly fabrics. By sharing their story of small beginnings, the inspiration drawn from witnessing the detrimental effects of fast fashion on the environment, and the passionate pursuit of sustainable solutions, EcoThreads connects with their audience on an emotional level.

This narrative not only humanizes the brand but also aligns it with the values of its target audience, making the connection deeper than a mere transaction. In content marketing, such storytelling is invaluable; it transforms your brand from a mere provider of goods or services into a protagonist in a shared mission for change.

A well-told brand story fosters trust, loyalty, and a sense of community, laying a solid foundation for brand credibility and long-term customer relationships.


  • Identify emotional touchpoints: Pinpoint key moments in your brand’s history that are likely to evoke emotional responses from your audience. This could involve challenges overcome, milestones reached, or impactful decisions that shaped the company’s direction.
  • Incorporate founder insights: Include personal anecdotes or quotes from the founders that shed light on the brand’s inception, vision, and evolution. These insights can add a layer of authenticity and relatability to your story.
  • Use visual storytelling: Leverage photos, videos, or infographics to complement your narrative. Visual elements can make your story more engaging and easier to digest, helping to illustrate key points or moments.
  • Weave in your mission and values: Seamlessly integrate your brand’s mission and values into your story. Show how these principles have guided your decisions and actions throughout your journey, reinforcing your brand’s integrity and commitment.
  • Create a narrative arc: Structure your story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with the origins of your brand, detail the journey, including obstacles and achievements, and conclude with where your brand stands today and its future aspirations.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Interactive Timeline Narratives.” This unusual enhancement transforms the conventional brand story into a dynamic, interactive timeline on your About Page. Users can navigate through key moments in your brand’s history, with each milestone revealing more of your story through multimedia content—videos, images, and personal narratives.

For EcoThreads, this could mean an interactive journey from its initial concept, highlighting pivotal challenges like sourcing sustainable materials, to celebrating milestones such as launching their first eco-friendly collection. Each point on the timeline not only tells a part of EcoThreads’ story but also immerses the visitor in the experience, making the brand’s journey memorable and engaging. This method turns the telling of your brand story into an interactive adventure, deepening the connection with your audience by making them active participants in your narrative.

3. Showcase your team's versatility

Showcasing your team’s versatility on your About Page is a strategic move that humanizes your brand and highlights the diverse skills driving its success. Imagine a tech startup, CodeInnovate, that prides itself on its eclectic team of developers, designers, and strategists.

By detailing each member’s unique background, expertise, and how they contribute to the startup’s mission, CodeInnovate demonstrates a rich tapestry of talent united towards innovation. This approach not only adds depth to the brand’s narrative but also illustrates a dynamic and adaptable culture, appealing to both potential clients and future employees.

In the realm of content marketing, this tactic enhances credibility by showcasing the human element behind the brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy.

It signals to visitors that CodeInnovate is not just about technology but about people with a passion for creating solutions that matter, fostering a stronger connection with the audience and distinguishing the brand in a crowded digital landscape.


  • Create individual profiles: Develop detailed profiles for each team member, highlighting their professional background, areas of expertise, and unique contributions to the company. This personalizes your team, showcasing the breadth and depth of talent within your organization.
  • Share personal stories: Encourage team members to share personal anecdotes that relate to their role or the company’s mission. This could include what drew them to the company, a project they’re particularly proud of, or how they embody the company’s values in their work.
  • Highlight diverse skill sets: Make a point to illustrate the diverse range of skills and experiences your team brings to the table. From technical expertise to creative problem-solving, showcasing this variety demonstrates the comprehensive capabilities of your team.
  • Use dynamic media: Incorporate dynamic media such as videos or interactive content that feature team members discussing their roles, projects, and passions. This can provide a more engaging and immersive experience for visitors.
  • Celebrate team achievements: Regularly update your About Page to include recent team achievements, awards, or milestones. This not only keeps the content fresh but also continually reinforces the strength and versatility of your team to your audience.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Virtual Team Galleries.” This unusual enhancement takes the concept of showcasing your team’s versatility to the next level by creating a virtual reality (VR) gallery of team members. Visitors can navigate a 3D space, engaging with avatars of each team member.

For CodeInnovate, this could mean a virtual office tour where visitors meet the developers, designers, and strategists in their element, with clickable elements revealing each person’s story, projects, and personal insights. This immersive experience not only highlights the team’s diversity and skills but also allows visitors to feel a part of the company’s culture, deepening the connection and showcasing the innovative spirit of CodeInnovate in a truly interactive and memorable way.

4. Incorporate testimonials and reviews

Incorporating testimonials and reviews into your About Page is a powerful method to validate your brand’s claims and build credibility with potential customers. Imagine a sustainable lifestyle brand, GreenHaven, that integrates glowing reviews from satisfied customers who have experienced a positive impact from using their eco-friendly products.

By curating a selection of these testimonials, GreenHaven not only showcases real-life applications of their offerings but also leverages social proof to establish trust. This strategy is an essential facet of content marketing, as it transforms subjective claims into objective evidence of a brand’s value.

Testimonials act as endorsements, reinforcing the brand’s messaging and demonstrating its effectiveness in meeting customer needs.

Thoughtfully presented reviews can bridge the gap between skepticism and trust, encouraging new visitors to engage more deeply with the brand and its story, ultimately leading to a stronger, more credible online presence.


  • Select diverse testimonials: Choose testimonials that represent a wide range of customers and experiences with your brand. This diversity ensures that different aspects of your product or service are highlighted, catering to a broader audience.
  • Emphasize results and benefits: Focus on testimonials that specifically mention the results or benefits experienced by your customers. These should showcase tangible outcomes that potential customers can expect, making the value of your offerings clear.
  • Incorporate visuals: Whenever possible, include photos or videos of customers with your products or services. Visual testimonials can be more engaging and credible, as they allow visitors to see real-life applications and successes.
  • Use direct quotes: Utilize direct quotes in testimonials to preserve the authenticity and voice of your customers. This adds a personal touch and helps potential customers relate to the experiences shared.
  • Highlight transformative stories: Prioritize testimonials that tell a story of transformation or significant impact. These narratives are compelling and can resonate deeply with potential customers, illustrating the potential life-changing effects of your offerings.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Dynamic Testimonial Showcases.” This unusual enhancement reimagines the standard presentation of testimonials and reviews by incorporating them into an interactive, animated carousel on your About Page. For GreenHaven, this could mean a visually engaging display where testimonials come to life through animated quotes that visitors can navigate.

Each review could be accompanied by a short, animated story or scene that illustrates the customer’s journey with the product, from problem to solution. This method not only makes the testimonials more engaging but also allows visitors to see the real-world impact of GreenHaven’s eco-friendly products in a memorable and dynamic way, effectively turning each review into a mini-narrative that underlines the brand’s credibility and the positive changes it brings to its customers’ lives.

5. Highlight awards and certifications

Highlighting awards and certifications on your About Page is a strategic move to underscore your brand’s authority and excellence within your industry. Consider a tech company, InnovateTech, that has been recognized with numerous awards for innovation in software solutions and holds several key certifications for data security and user privacy.

By prominently displaying these accolades, InnovateTech not only validates its claims of industry leadership but also instills confidence in potential clients and partners about its commitment to excellence and reliability.

This transparency is crucial in content marketing, as it provides tangible proof of a brand’s accomplishments and differentiates it from competitors. Such recognitions serve as endorsements from third parties, enhancing credibility and reinforcing the brand’s reputation.

For visitors, these markers of trust turn the About Page into a testament to the brand’s achievements and dedication to upholding the highest standards, making it an essential component of a compelling brand narrative.


  • Designate a special section: Create a dedicated area on your About Page specifically for showcasing awards and certifications. This section should be visually distinct and easily accessible to visitors, ensuring these achievements stand out.
  • Use high-quality imagery: Display high-resolution images or icons of the awards and certifications. This visual representation helps to capture attention and adds a layer of professionalism and authenticity to your claims.
  • Provide context for each award: For each award or certification listed, include a brief description of what it represents and why it’s significant. This context helps visitors understand the value and prestige of each accolade.
  • Link to official recognition: Where possible, provide links to the official award or certification website. This not only offers visitors a way to verify the recognition but also demonstrates transparency and credibility.
  • Update regularly: Keep the awards and certifications section up-to-date with any new accolades your brand receives. Regular updates signal to visitors that your brand continues to be recognized for its excellence and innovation.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Interactive Achievement Maps.” This unusual enhancement involves creating an interactive, graphical representation of your brand’s awards and certifications over time. For InnovateTech, imagine a timeline or map that visitors can navigate, which visually plots each award and certification the company has received. Hovering over or clicking on an icon could reveal more details about the achievement, including the criteria for winning, the significance of the certification, and how it has propelled the company forward.

This interactive element not only showcases InnovateTech’s accolades in a dynamic way but also engages visitors by allowing them to explore the company’s journey of excellence and innovation. It turns the presentation of awards and certifications into an engaging story of growth and success, adding depth to the brand’s credibility.

6. Provide insight into your process

Providing insight into your process on the About Page offers a transparent look behind the curtain, showcasing the meticulous care and expertise that go into your offerings.

For instance, a craft chocolate maker, ChocoCrafters, details their bean-to-bar journey, highlighting their direct trade relationships with cocoa farmers, the artisanal methods used to roast and grind beans, and their innovative approach to flavor development. This transparency not only educates visitors about the quality and sustainability of the product but also positions ChocoCrafters as an authority in their field.

In content marketing, such detailed exposition of your process strengthens brand credibility by demonstrating commitment to excellence and ethical practices.

It invites customers into the story of creation, making them feel a part of something significant, thereby deepening their connection to the brand. This approach transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, turning every product or service offered into a testament to the brand’s passion and dedication.


  • Detail each step of the process: Break down your product or service creation process into clear, understandable steps. Describe each phase from conception to final delivery, highlighting the care and expertise involved at every stage.
  • Showcase behind-the-scenes content: Include photos, videos, or diagrams that offer a behind-the-scenes look at your operations. Visuals like these can make the process more tangible and relatable to your audience.
  • Explain the why behind each step: For each part of your process, clarify why it’s essential. This could involve discussing the benefits of certain materials, the choice of technology, or the rationale behind key decisions, which adds depth and understanding.
  • Highlight innovation and craftsmanship: If your process involves unique techniques, innovative technologies, or specialized craftsmanship, make sure to detail these aspects. Explain how these elements contribute to the superiority of the final product or service.
  • Demonstrate impact on quality: Connect the dots between your process and the quality of the end product. Explain how specific steps in the process ensure the product or service meets high standards, enhancing its value to the customer.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Process Story Maps.” This unusual enhancement involves creating an interactive, illustrated map that guides visitors through your process in a storytelling format. For ChocoCrafters, this could mean a visually engaging, scrollable journey map on their About Page, where each step of the bean-to-bar process is depicted as a landmark in an adventure. Visitors would follow the cocoa bean’s journey from its origins at the farm, through roasting and grinding, all the way to becoming a finished chocolate bar.

Along this journey, pop-up annotations or short audio clips can provide insights and anecdotes from the artisans themselves, offering a deeper understanding of the craftsmanship involved. This method not only educates visitors about the meticulous process behind ChocoCrafters’ products but does so in an engaging, narrative-driven way that enhances the brand’s credibility by highlighting their dedication to quality and sustainability.

7. Include a clear call to action (CTA)

Including a clear call to action (CTA) on your About Page is essential for guiding visitors towards the next step in their journey with your brand. For example, a sustainable fashion brand, EcoWear, uses its About Page not just to share its mission and the eco-friendly processes behind its clothing line but also to encourage visitors to join their sustainability journey.

At the end of the page, a compelling CTA invites readers to “Shop the Sustainable Collection” or “Join Our Eco-Mission Newsletter.” This direct approach ensures that after connecting emotionally and intellectually with EcoWear’s story, visitors are given a clear pathway to engage further, whether through making a purchase or becoming part of a community.

In content marketing, such CTAs are vital for converting interest into action, seamlessly integrating brand storytelling with business objectives.

The right CTA turns passive readers into active participants, thereby deepening their relationship with the brand and enhancing credibility through direct engagement.


  • Tailor CTA to audience needs: Craft your call to action to directly address the interests or needs of your target audience, ensuring it resonates with them and prompts a response. For EcoWear, this might mean focusing on the desire to make ethical purchasing decisions.
  • Position CTA strategically: Place your call to action in a prominent location on your About Page, ideally after you’ve presented your brand story and value, where it naturally feels like the next step for the visitor.
  • Use action-oriented language: Employ verbs that inspire action, such as “Join,” “Discover,” “Learn More,” or “Shop Now.” This clear, directive language encourages visitors to take the desired action with confidence.
  • Make the CTA stand out visually: Design your call to action so that it catches the eye, using contrasting colors, bold text, or a button that stands out from the rest of the page’s design elements.
  • Offer value in your CTA: Ensure your call to action offers something valuable to the visitor, whether it’s access to exclusive content, a free sample, or an invitation to a community. This value proposition encourages more clicks and engagements.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Narrative-Driven CTAs.” This unusual enhancement involves embedding your call to action within a compelling mini-narrative or story on your About Page. For EcoWear, this could mean concluding their brand story with a short, engaging tale about a customer whose life was positively impacted by choosing sustainable fashion. This narrative would naturally lead to a CTA, such as “Create Your Own Eco Story,” inviting visitors to shop their sustainable collection.

This method not only makes the CTA more engaging and memorable but also personalizes the action, encouraging visitors to see themselves as part of the brand’s journey and mission. By framing the CTA within a story, EcoWear strengthens the emotional connection with their audience, making the action step feel like a personal invitation to join a meaningful cause rather than a generic sales pitch.

8. Regularly update your About Page

Regularly updating your About Page is crucial for maintaining brand credibility and ensuring that your narrative evolves alongside your business. Imagine a dynamic tech startup, TechFlow, which began as a small team focused on developing a single innovative app.

As the company grows, diversifies its product line, and achieves new milestones, its About Page must reflect these developments. Updating the page to include recent product launches, team expansions, or new market entries keeps the content fresh and relevant.

This practice is essential in content marketing, as it demonstrates to visitors that the company is vibrant, evolving, and continuously striving for excellence. An up-to-date About Page reassures customers and partners of the brand’s vitality and commitment to progress, fostering trust and reinforcing the brand’s position in the market.

Keeping this section current is not just about adding new content; it’s about aligning your brand’s digital presence with its real-world achievements and aspirations, making it a true reflection of where the company stands today.


  • Schedule regular reviews: Set a recurring schedule, such as quarterly or bi-annually, to review and update your About Page. This ensures your page remains accurate and reflects the latest developments in your company.
  • Update team information: As your team grows or roles change, update the team section to introduce new members and their roles. This keeps the team’s presentation current and showcases the evolving expertise within your company.
  • Refresh content and design: Periodically refresh the content and design of your About Page to keep it engaging and in line with modern web standards. This could include updating the layout, graphics, and multimedia elements to enhance user experience.
  • Add recent achievements: Regularly incorporate your latest achievements, milestones, or changes in your business strategy. Highlighting new awards, certifications, or product launches keeps your audience informed of your progress.
  • Monitor and respond to feedback: Pay attention to visitor feedback regarding your About Page. If certain sections consistently raise questions or seem outdated, prioritize these areas for updates to ensure the page serves its purpose effectively.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Dynamic Growth Timelines.” This unusual enhancement revolutionizes the concept of regularly updating your About Page by integrating a live, interactive timeline that automatically populates with new milestones, team updates, and achievements. For TechFlow, this could mean a visually engaging timeline that visitors can scroll through, witnessing the company’s evolution in real time.

Each new product launch, team expansion, or market entry is added as it happens, complete with multimedia elements like images, videos, or links to press releases. This approach not only ensures the About Page remains perpetually current but also transforms it into a compelling narrative of progress and innovation, inviting visitors to regularly check back and see what’s new, thereby deepening engagement and reinforcing brand credibility through transparency and dynamism.

In summary

  1. Blend tradition with innovation: To craft an About Page that builds brand credibility, it’s essential to merge time-tested strategies like clear value propositions and compelling brand stories with innovative twists. This approach ensures your page not only informs but also engages and delights visitors, making your brand stand out.

  2. Showcase authenticity and transparency: Regularly updating your About Page with real team stories, customer testimonials, and tangible achievements like awards and certifications reinforces your brand’s authenticity. Transparency in showcasing your processes and updates fosters trust and establishes a deeper connection with your audience.

  3. Engage with purposeful CTAs: Including clear, action-oriented calls to action (CTAs) that are seamlessly integrated into your brand’s narrative encourages visitors to engage further with your brand. Whether it’s through shopping, subscribing, or learning more, a well-placed CTA turns passive interest into active engagement, enhancing brand credibility and customer loyalty.

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Shobha Ponnappa

"As a Content/Brand Specialist, and SEO/UX Writer, I can help transform your brand's online presence. I can lift it with innovative ideas to take it to an enviable position. Let's collaborate to create a captivating brand story, engage your audience, boost your online visibility, and increase your ROI. Take the next step towards your brand content success and contact me today."

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