How To Make AI Generated Content More Human And Real

How To Make AI Generated Content More Human And Real

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented efficiency in content creation, its content often lacks the human touch, leaving us with robotic and impersonal narratives.

The solution? A harmonious blend of proven and unusual approaches that infuse a sense of humanity into AI-generated content.

There are many methods we can deploy towards making AI-generated content more relatable, authentic, and resonant with human audiences on a deeply personal level.

As we delve into this quest, we’ll uncover strategies to ensure that your content stands out in its humanity, bridging the gap between machine-generated words and the heartfelt brand stories that captivate readers.

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What is AI content? Why must it be humanized and authentic?

AI content is a product of artificial intelligence algorithms. It is generated through automated processes that first analyze data, language patterns, and vast datasets. They then produce written text, ranging from articles and product descriptions to social media posts.

This mechanized content creation offers unparalleled efficiency and scalability, enabling businesses to meet the ever-growing demand for online material. However, the critical challenge lies in ensuring that AI-generated content retains a human touch. As the digital landscape becomes increasingly saturated with automated narratives, the imperative to humanize and authenticate AI content grows more urgent.

Authenticity in AI content establishes trust and connection with audiences, fostering genuine engagement. It elevates the discourse from mere information dissemination to meaningful interaction, making the content resonate on a personal level.

In a world inundated with machine-generated text, humanizing AI content is the key to creating impactful, relatable narratives that captivate readers, elevate brand identity, and forge lasting connections in the digital realm.

Making your AI content human with proven and unusual ideas

Harnessing the power of AI in content creation is undeniably efficient, but the challenge lies in striking a balance between the machine’s precision and the human touch. This is where my “Unusual By Strategy” forte comes into play.

In my experience I’ve consistently found that the most compelling AI-generated content can best be created through a fusion of the tried-and-tested with the refreshingly unusual. Why? Because the conventional approaches provide a solid foundation—ensuring accuracy, relevance, and readability—while the unconventional injects the much-needed creativity and distinctiveness.

It’s this blend that transforms AI content from sterile to truly human. The unconventional ideas, the unexpected angles, and the surprising twists breathe life into the words, making them relatable, engaging, and memorable.

By infusing your AI content with this dynamic mix, you not only stand out amidst the digital noise but also create content that resonates deeply with your audience, forging connections that endure and leave a lasting impact.

8 significant steps to creating humanized and real AI content

Leveraging my 40+ years’ experience as a Brand Content Strategist with a penchant for the unusual, I’ve curated a potent arsenal of strategies to breathe life into AI-generated content, aligning it with the goal of authenticity and humanity.

By blending these trusted techniques with innovative nuances, I show you how to pave the way for AI-generated content that captivates, connects, and leaves an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of readers.

How To Make AI Generated Content More Human And Real

1. Incorporating personal experiences and anecdotes

Incorporating personal experiences and anecdotes into AI-generated content is a sure way for content marketers to forge meaningful connections with their audience. Picture this: A tech company, aiming to humanize its brand, employs AI to create blog posts about the wonders of modern technology.

Without personal anecdotes, the content remains clinical and detached, failing to resonate. However, by infusing it with a narrative of a real-life scenario—a customer’s triumph using the company’s product, perhaps—suddenly, the content takes on a human face, becoming relatable and emotionally engaging.

It transforms from a mere informational piece into a compelling story, weaving a connection between the brand and its audience. This strategy has stood the test of time, proving that behind every piece of content, there lies the potential to create authentic narratives that resonate with readers on a profound level, whether it’s a tale of overcoming challenges or celebrating successes.

It’s this personal touch that breathes life into AI-generated content and elevates it beyond the realm of automation, making it genuinely human and relatable.


  • Craft compelling anecdotes: Develop a repository of captivating real-life stories or scenarios that can be seamlessly woven into AI-generated content to add a personal and relatable touch.
  • Select relevant experiences: Choose anecdotes thoughtfully, ensuring they align with the topic and resonate with the target audience, enhancing the overall message and impact.
  • Maintain a consistent tone: Establish a consistent narrative tone throughout the content to seamlessly integrate anecdotes, ensuring they enhance rather than disrupt the flow.
  • Balance information and emotion: Strike a balance between conveying information and evoking emotions in the storytelling, ensuring that the anecdotes contribute to the content’s authenticity and engagement.
  • Revise for clarity and relevance: Review and refine the anecdotes to ensure they are concise, clear, and directly relevant to the content’s purpose, enhancing their impact on readers.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Reverse Anecdotes,” an unusual twist that flips the conventional use of personal experiences in content creation. Instead of narrating success stories, reverse anecdotes involve sharing challenges or failures that eventually led to a positive outcome. Imagine the tech company crafting AI-generated content about its product’s journey. Rather than showcasing seamless victories, it could incorporate a reverse anecdote about a significant system glitch that initially seemed like a disaster.

This twist reveals how the company’s innovative approach, fueled by customer feedback, transformed the setback into a remarkable success story. By embracing the unexpected angle of reverse anecdotes, AI-generated content not only humanizes the brand but also demonstrates resilience, relatability, and the capacity to learn from adversity.

2. Using emotional words and human-like language

Using emotional words and human-like language is an enduring cornerstone of content marketing’s success – especially in making AI-generated content resonate with audiences on a profoundly human level.

Imagine a travel agency, aiming to promote an exotic destination through AI-generated content. Without emotional words and human-like language, the content remains dry and uninspiring, merely listing facts and figures. However, by infusing it with evocative language that describes the destination’s breathtaking landscapes, the warmth of its sunsets, and the enchantment of its culture, the content transforms into a vivid narrative.

It conjures images of azure skies and golden beaches, transporting readers to that destination in their minds. This strategy has been tried and tested, illustrating that beyond mere information dissemination, it’s the emotional connection that truly captures hearts.

It underscores the potency of crafting content that appeals not just to the mind but also to the heart, forging a bond that transcends digital barriers and lingers in the minds of readers, compelling them to take action.


  • Utilize emotional lexicons: Employ specialized emotional lexicons or dictionaries that identify and suggest emotional words and phrases, ensuring the content consistently reflects a human-like emotional tone.
  • Implement sentiment analysis tools: Integrate sentiment analysis tools into the AI content generation process to gauge and enhance the emotional resonance of the language used.
  • Create a style guide for emotive writing: Develop a comprehensive style guide that outlines specific guidelines and examples for incorporating emotional language, ensuring consistency and alignment with brand voice.
  • Conduct emotional A/B testing: Carry out A/B testing with variations of emotional language to analyze which emotional cues resonate most effectively with the target audience, fine-tuning content accordingly.
  • Leverage AI-generated emotional storytelling: Explore AI-generated emotional storytelling techniques that automatically generate narratives with a human-like emotional arc, enhancing the content’s relatability and impact.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Emotion Roulette,” a novel twist that injects an element of unpredictability into the use of emotional words in content. Instead of pre-planning emotional language, this approach involves using a randomized tool to select emotionally charged words or phrases, introducing an element of surprise into the content generation process. For instance, in the case of the travel agency promoting an exotic destination, Emotion Roulette could prompt the inclusion of unexpected words like “electrifying” or “enrapturing” to describe the destination’s allure.

This unpredictable injection of emotion adds a unique layer to the content, making it more engaging and leaving readers with a sense of intrigue. By embracing Emotion Roulette, AI-generated content not only incorporates emotional language but also infuses an element of spontaneity that captures attention and fosters a deeper connection with the audience.

3. Leveraging a variety of engaging visual elements

Integrating a diverse array of captivating visual elements has long stood as a linchpin in content marketing’s arsenal for humanizing AI-generated content and forging genuine connections with audiences. Picture a fashion retailer using AI-generated content to showcase its latest collection.

Without engaging visuals, the content merely spells out clothing descriptions, falling short in conveying the collection’s style and allure. However, by infusing it with high-quality images, fashion lookbooks, and even interactive 360-degree product views, the content transforms into a visual feast. It evokes emotions, allowing readers to virtually immerse themselves in the fashion experience.

This strategy has stood the test of time, exemplifying the power of visual storytelling in content marketing. It underlines that AI-generated content, when paired with visually immersive elements, transcends the limitations of text and immerses readers in a sensory-rich journey.

These visuals not only aid in conveying information but also stimulate emotions, making AI-generated content not just informative but profoundly relatable and human in its appeal.


  • Curate diverse visual libraries: Create extensive visual libraries encompassing a variety of images, graphics, videos, and interactive elements that align with your content themes and resonate with your target audience.
  • Implement dynamic visual storytelling: Explore AI-driven tools that facilitate dynamic visual storytelling, enabling the automatic generation of narratives accompanied by relevant and engaging visuals.
  • Leverage user-Generated content: Encourage user-generated content submissions, such as photos or videos from satisfied customers, and seamlessly incorporate them into AI-generated content to add authenticity and relatability.
  • Utilize augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): Explore the integration of AR and VR elements within AI-generated content to provide immersive experiences, allowing readers to interact with products or scenarios on a deeper level.
  • Experiment with interactive infographics: Develop interactive infographics and visual aids that not only convey information effectively but also engage readers by allowing them to explore and interact with the content, enhancing comprehension and retention.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Visual Collage Symphony,” an innovative twist that transforms static visual elements into a dynamic, ever-evolving visual storytelling experience. Instead of using individual images or videos, this approach involves creating a dynamic visual collage that continually morphs, providing readers with a fresh perspective with each interaction. In the case of the fashion retailer, the Visual Collage Symphony could merge images, videos, and user-generated content into a constantly changing visual narrative.

It offers readers an immersive journey through the collection, where they can explore different outfits, styles, and accessories as if walking through a digital fashion show. By embracing this unconventional approach, AI-generated content not only leverages engaging visuals but also surprises and captivates the audience, providing a unique and personalized experience that resonates deeply.

4. Providing specific prompts and voice-led guidance

In content marketing’s unwavering quest to infuse AI-generated content with a human touch, the practice of providing specific prompts and voice-led guidance stands as a timeless strategy.

Picture an e-commerce platform utilizing AI-generated product descriptions. Without explicit instructions, the content might drift into generic, uninspiring territory, failing to capture the brand’s essence and unique voice. However, by furnishing AI with precise prompts and voice-led directives, the content transforms into a reflection of the brand’s personality.

The prompts steer AI toward creating product descriptions that resonate with the target audience, whether it’s the playful tone for children’s toys or the sophisticated language for luxury fashion. This strategy has proven its mettle, emphasizing that AI is most potent when it’s aligned with a brand’s identity and messaging.

It underscores the significance of providing clear guidance to the AI, empowering it to craft content that doesn’t just inform but also establishes a distinct brand presence, ultimately forging lasting connections with readers.


  • Develop comprehensive content briefs: Craft detailed content briefs that outline the specific objectives, target audience, desired tone, and key messaging to provide clear direction to the AI content generation process.
  • Create voice and style guidelines: Establish comprehensive voice and style guidelines that elucidate the brand’s unique personality, communication style, and linguistic nuances, ensuring consistency across all AI-generated content.
  • Employ customizable AI templates: Utilize customizable AI templates that integrate voice-guided prompts, allowing marketers to pre-define the desired content structure, ensuring the AI aligns with the brand’s narrative flow.
  • Regularly review AI output: Implement a regular review process to assess the AI-generated content’s adherence to the provided prompts and guidelines, allowing for real-time adjustments and enhancements.
  • Leverage AI-quality feedback loops: Establish feedback loops with the AI system, providing it with ongoing evaluations and refinements based on performance, ensuring continuous improvement in aligning with the brand’s voice and guidance.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Divergent Voice Exploration,” a unique twist that expands the horizons of providing specific prompts and voice-led guidance. Instead of sticking to a singular brand voice, this approach encourages AI to explore diverse voices and tones within predetermined boundaries. In the case of an e-commerce platform, Divergent Voice Exploration could prompt AI to generate product descriptions not only in the brand’s established tone but also in styles reminiscent of renowned authors, pop culture icons, or even fictional characters.

By embracing this unconventional approach, AI-generated content becomes a versatile ensemble of voices, captivating a broader range of readers and sparking intriguing conversations. It not only adheres to the brand’s identity but also enriches content with a touch of novelty and delight, leaving readers engaged and eagerly anticipating what voice might narrate their next experience.

5. Training the AI to match your unique writing style

In the realm of content marketing, training AI to align seamlessly with your unique writing style has emerged as a tried-and-true strategy to bridge the gap between automation and human authenticity. Imagine a tech blog employing AI to generate articles.

Without the imprint of the blog’s distinct style and tone, the content might read like a soulless compilation of information. However, by training the AI to emulate the blog’s established voice—be it conversational, technical, or witty—the content becomes an extension of the blog itself.

It not only disseminates information but also nurtures the blog’s identity, keeping readers engaged and loyal. This strategy has withstood the test of time, underscoring the importance of harmonizing AI’s capabilities with a brand’s unique voice. It signifies that the true power of AI in content marketing lies not in its autonomy but in its capacity to amplify and perpetuate a brand’s individuality.

By training AI to mirror your writing style, you create content that not only informs but also resonates on a deeply human level, reinforcing your brand’s identity and fostering enduring connections with your audience.


  • Develop a writing style guide: Create a comprehensive writing style guide that encapsulates your brand’s unique tone, vocabulary, and style, serving as a reference for training AI to emulate your specific writing style.
  • Collect and analyze sample texts: Gather a substantial repository of sample texts representing your desired writing style, including past content, articles, or publications, to serve as training data for the AI.
  • Implement iterative training sessions: Conduct iterative training sessions with the AI, utilizing the collected sample texts to fine-tune its understanding and execution of your unique writing style, making adjustments as needed.
  • Utilize AI-enhanced style checkers: Employ AI-powered style checkers and writing analysis tools to assess the AI-generated content’s alignment with your writing style, providing feedback for further refinements.
  • Leverage human-AI collaboration: Foster collaboration between human writers and AI by having them work together on content creation projects, allowing the AI to learn and adapt in real-time while benefiting from human expertise in maintaining the desired writing style.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Voice Morphing,” an innovative twist that pushes the boundaries of training AI to match your unique writing style. Rather than adhering strictly to one consistent voice, Voice Morphing introduces controlled variations within the AI’s writing style. In the case of a tech blog, this enhancement could prompt the AI to infuse occasional elements of humor or intrigue into otherwise technical content.

By embracing Voice Morphing, AI-generated articles become multifaceted, engaging readers on various levels. This approach doesn’t dilute the blog’s primary style but adds subtle, unexpected elements that make the content more captivating and memorable. It allows AI to adapt and tailor its writing to the specific needs of each piece, providing content that is both informative and entertaining, fostering deeper connections with the audience.

6. Utilizing AI more for research and less for writing

In the realm of content marketing, a well-established approach to infusing AI-generated content with humanity and authenticity lies in utilizing AI more for research and less for writing. Picture a healthcare brand aiming to educate its audience about the latest medical advancements.

Relying solely on AI for writing can result in content that lacks the depth, nuance, and human perspective required in the healthcare domain. However, by leveraging AI primarily for research tasks, such as data analysis, gathering relevant studies, and extracting critical insights, human writers can then use this wealth of information to craft compelling narratives that resonate with empathy, understanding, and a genuine human touch.

This strategy has stood the test of time, emphasizing that while AI excels in data-driven tasks, it’s the human touch in content creation that breathes life into the subject matter.

It reinforces the notion that AI should be a supportive tool, not a replacement, in content marketing, enabling human writers to curate content that is not only informative but also emotionally resonant, thereby fostering stronger connections with the audience.


  • Streamline research focus: Define clear research objectives and parameters to guide AI in collecting data and insights aligned with the content’s specific goals.
  • Automate data gathering: Implement AI-driven tools and bots to automate the process of data collection, analysis, and organization, reducing the manual workload for research tasks.
  • Evaluate content gaps: Use AI-powered content analysis to identify gaps in existing content and pinpoint areas where new content or insights are needed, streamlining the research process.
  • Leverage AI-enhanced trend analysis: Employ AI algorithms to monitor industry trends, competitor strategies, and audience preferences, providing valuable data for content research and ideation.
  • Collaborate with AI on workflows: Establish a collaborative workflow between human writers and AI, where AI contributes by generating data-driven outlines or summaries, allowing writers to focus on adding the human perspective and narrative touch to the content.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Narrative Seeding,” an unconventional twist that infuses storytelling into the research process. Instead of AI providing dry data, Narrative Seeding prompts AI to craft brief narratives or anecdotes around the discovered insights. For the healthcare brand, this approach would involve AI not just presenting medical advancements but also weaving concise stories that illustrate their real-world impact on patients’ lives.

These narratives serve as bridges between cold facts and empathetic understanding, making the content not only informative but also deeply relatable. By embracing Narrative Seeding, AI-generated research becomes a source of stories that not only educate but also emotionally engage the audience, transforming data into experiences and fostering a genuine connection between the brand and its readers.

7. Ensuring thorough fact-checking, and final editing

In the landscape of content marketing, a non-negotiable aspect that perennially contributes to humanizing AI-generated content is the meticulous process of ensuring thorough fact-checking and final editing. Visualize an online news portal employing AI to produce articles on current events.

While AI excels at generating content rapidly, it can occasionally fall prey to inaccuracies or outdated information. Therefore, a rigorous fact-checking protocol becomes paramount. Human editors scrutinize every detail, cross-referencing facts with multiple reliable sources, verifying data accuracy, and ensuring that the content aligns with the highest journalistic standards.

This strategy, deeply ingrained in content marketing practices, exemplifies the significance of delivering trustworthy, credible, and error-free content to the audience. It emphasizes that AI should be an aid, not a replacement, in content creation, with human oversight serving as the ultimate safeguard against misinformation.

By prioritizing comprehensive fact-checking and meticulous final editing, AI-generated content not only imparts knowledge but also builds trust, nurturing enduring relationships with the readers and reinforcing the brand’s commitment to authenticity and accuracy.


  • Establish stringent editorial guidelines: Develop and implement detailed editorial guidelines that outline quality standards, fact-checking procedures, and guidelines for final editing, ensuring consistency in content quality.
  • Leverage AI-powered fact-checking tools: Utilize AI-powered fact-checking tools that can scan content for potential inaccuracies, flagging areas that require human review and verification.
  • Implement multi-step review process: Enforce a multi-step review process that involves multiple human editors, each specializing in different aspects of content verification, including fact-checking, grammar, style, and clarity.
  • Conduct cross-referencing and source verification: Integrate cross-referencing mechanisms that require AI to verify information from various credible sources, ensuring data accuracy and reducing the risk of misinformation.
  • Employ human-AI collaboration for enhanced editing: Foster collaboration between human editors and AI algorithms, leveraging AI’s capacity to identify errors and inconsistencies while relying on human expertise for nuanced editing and final polishing of the content.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “AI-Led Fact Arbiter,” a distinctive twist that augments the process of fact-checking and final editing. This innovative enhancement involves deploying AI not only as a passive tool but as an active participant in content scrutiny. In the case of the online news portal, the AI-Led Fact Arbiter would analyze every piece of information, flagging potential inaccuracies and discrepancies for human editors to review. Moreover, it would present alternative perspectives or sources, encouraging a more comprehensive examination of the subject matter.

This collaborative approach between AI and human editors not only streamlines the editing process but also enriches the content by offering diverse viewpoints and data sources. By embracing the AI-Led Fact Arbiter, AI-generated content transcends mere validation and enters a realm of continuous improvement and knowledge enrichment, creating content that is not just accurate but also insightful and well-rounded, elevating the brand’s credibility and the audience’s trust.

8. Maintaining up-to-date data and attributing sources

In the realm of content marketing, an enduring principle that embodies the essence of humanizing AI-generated content is the unwavering commitment to ensuring up-to-date data and attributing sources.

Consider a financial services blog employing AI to produce articles on investment strategies. In an ever-evolving financial landscape, content must not only inform but also guide readers with the latest insights. Therefore, meticulous efforts must be dedicated to ensuring that the data integrated into AI-generated content remains current and relevant. Simultaneously, a robust system must be in place to attribute information to the rightful sources, honoring the contribution of experts and references.

This practice emphasizes the core tenet of content marketing: to build trust with the audience. It asserts that AI should serve as an enabler in delivering timely, reliable, and well-sourced information, reinforcing the brand’s credibility.

By meticulously upholding the values of currency and proper attribution, AI-generated content resonates as not just informative but genuinely authentic, establishing lasting bonds of trust and credibility with readers, which lie at the heart of content marketing’s ultimate success.


  • Implement real-time data feeds: Establish a system that integrates real-time data feeds into the AI content generation process, ensuring that content reflects the most current information available.
  • Automate source attribution: Develop AI algorithms that automatically attribute sources within the generated content, simplifying the process of acknowledging external contributions.
  • Utilize AI-powered citation checkers: Deploy AI-powered citation checkers that cross-reference content with databases of reliable sources, flagging any discrepancies and ensuring proper source attribution.
  • Enforce periodic content review: Institute regular content review schedules, prompting AI to revisit and update previously generated content to keep it aligned with the latest data and sources.
  • Implement human-AI source vetting: Foster collaboration between AI and human experts in source vetting, allowing AI to learn from human expertise and refine its ability to identify and attribute credible sources, ensuring accuracy and authenticity in content.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Dynamic Source Intelligence,” an innovative twist that revolutionizes the process of ensuring up-to-date data and attributing sources. This enhancement involves AI continuously monitoring and updating content even after publication. In the case of the financial services blog, Dynamic Source Intelligence would enable AI to track market fluctuations and regulatory changes in real-time. It would not only update statistics and data but also revise source attributions accordingly, ensuring that the information remains current and the content maintains its credibility.

This approach not only guarantees that readers access the latest insights but also showcases the brand’s unwavering commitment to accuracy and relevance. By embracing Dynamic Source Intelligence, AI-generated content evolves into a living entity, adapting to the ever-changing landscape and reaffirming the brand’s dedication to providing the most trustworthy and current information, thus forging stronger bonds with its audience.

In summary

  1. Balance automation with human touch: To make AI-generated content more human and authentic, it’s essential to strike a balance between automation and the human touch. AI can assist with research, data analysis, and even initial content generation, but human editors and writers are pivotal in infusing emotions, authenticity, and context into the content.

  2. Embrace unconventional enhancements: Beyond standard content strategies, consider innovative enhancements like “Voice Morphing” and “Dynamic Source Intelligence” to make AI-generated content stand out. These unconventional approaches add unique dimensions and agility to content creation, making it more engaging and up-to-date.

  3. Credibility through accuracy: Building trust with your audience is paramount in content marketing. Ensuring up-to-date data and proper source attribution, along with rigorous fact-checking, is a timeless practice that solidifies the credibility of AI-generated content. It shows your commitment to providing reliable information and nurturing lasting relationships with your readers.

Take your brand's content marketing from run-of-the-mill to remarkable

Shobha Ponnappa

"As a Content/Brand Specialist, and SEO/UX Writer, I can help transform your brand's online presence. I can lift it with innovative ideas to take it to an enviable position. Let's collaborate to create a captivating brand story, engage your audience, boost your online visibility, and increase your ROI. Take the next step towards your brand content success and contact me today."

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