Portfolio Sample 16

Podcast Summaries


A podcast summary can make or break a podcast. Although podcast platforms do allow even up to 4000 words for the summary, that’s way too long to get the potential listener magnetized. Short and sweet works every time.

My experience with podcast summaries is to make them just long enough to whet the appetite, and to echo the presenter’s flair and personality in the summary.

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“Podcast Summaries” are a powerful tool for amplifying the reach and impact of your brand’s podcast. These brief, yet comprehensive write-ups not only serve as a useful guide for potential listeners, but they also present an excellent opportunity for search engine optimization.

More than just an informative piece, a podcast summary should be crafted almost like an ad—enticing and giving a flavor of the personality of the podcaster. This makes it easier for listeners to decide whether to commit their time to the episode.

For brands, this means a greater likelihood of engaging with the target audience and providing them with valuable content that resonates.

Crafting a compelling podcast summary poses its own set of challenges. One primary obstacle is condensing a rich, often lengthy episode into a concise summary that both informs and entices.

Creating a summary that successfully captures the podcaster’s personality and unique style adds another layer of complexity. SEO considerations further complicate the task, requiring strategic incorporation of keywords without compromising the natural flow of the summary.

The benefits of podcast summaries extend beyond SEO and listener engagement. These summaries can also be repurposed for other marketing channels, like email newsletters or social media posts, thereby maximizing the ROI of each podcast episode.

Creating a podcast summary that satisfies all these criteria requires a good understanding of both the podcast’s content and the audience’s needs and preferences. It often involves multiple revisions and fine-tuning, requiring an investment of time and effort.

Nonetheless, when executed correctly, a podcast summary can serve as a versatile asset that significantly boosts the podcast’s visibility, engagement, and impact on brand growth.

Read on …

Podcast Summary For A Bachelor Chef’s Show

Podcast Summary Image

EPISODE: 147: Tips On How To Do The Perfect Macaroni Pepperonata In The Pan Without Any Unintended Bottom Crust! … 20 minutes.

Bart Berrigman is a bachelor who loves to cook … er, burn food! He wants to conquer the final frontier (as close as his 8×8 kitchenette), but alas, his culinary experiments usually end up looking colorful (in shades of brown).

In this podcast series Burning Bachelor Bart talks of how simple recipes can be easily scorched by wrong techniques – and what he has learned from better cooking insights (which he usually gets as he scrapes pots and pans with singed food still stuck to them).

If you’re a bachelor who wants to cook his own meals using Bart’s learnings and tips, you’d do well to listen to this podcast week after week. Bart shares his secrets to cooking the smartest bachelor dishes with the fire beneath the pots and not in them.

This week’s episode: “Tips On How To Do The Perfect Macaroni Pepperonata In The Pan Without Any Unintended Bottom Crust!” … 20 minutes … on Apple & Spotify.

Special emphasis: 6 opportunities to ruin the dish – and how to not fall into the trap!

Listen. Laugh. Learn. (But keep the fire extinguisher handy!)

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Shobha Ponnappa

"As a Content/Brand Specialist, and SEO/UX Writer, I can help transform your brand's online presence. I can lift it with innovative ideas to take it to an enviable position. Let's collaborate to create a captivating brand story, engage your audience, boost your online visibility, and increase your ROI. Take the next step towards your brand content success and contact me today."

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