How To Achieve Innovative Content Through Outsourcing

How To Achieve Innovative Content Through Outsourcing

Brands often grapple with a key issue when outsourcing content creation: the lack of innovative spark. Outsourced content focuses more on quantity rather than quality, leading to a monotony of output.

The solution to this lies in effectively training outsourced talent to align with your brand’s expectations and culture of innovation.

By instilling a sense of your brand’s creative ethos and encouraging a mindset that values originality and inventiveness, outsourced teams can be guided to produce content that not only meets but exceeds conventional standards.

This approach transforms routine outsourced content into exceptional, thought-provoking pieces that truly reflect your brand’s unique voice and vision.

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How to instill your culture of innovativeness in outsourced partners

Instilling a culture of innovativeness in outsourced partners requires a strategic approach, starting with clear communication of your brand’s vision and values. Begin by selecting partners who demonstrate a propensity for creative thinking and a willingness to embrace new ideas.

Once onboard, immerse them in your brand’s ethos through regular, interactive workshops and training sessions that not only convey your expectations but also inspire creative thinking. Encourage open communication and foster an environment where outsourced teams feel comfortable sharing their ideas and suggestions.

Regular feedback sessions are crucial, providing constructive critiques that guide them toward your desired innovative approach. Additionally, setting up collaborative platforms where outsourced partners can interact with in-house teams can lead to a cross-pollination of ideas, further embedding your culture of innovation.

Recognizing and rewarding innovative contributions is also key; it reinforces the value you place on creativity and encourages ongoing inventive input. Ultimately, building a relationship based on mutual respect, understanding, and a shared commitment to innovation will transform your outsourced partners into an extension of your creative force.

Get innovative outsourced content with proven and unusual ideas

To achieve innovative outsourced content, it’s essential to blend proven methods with unconventional ideas, a concept central to my “Unusual By Strategy” forte. This approach mandates a mix of traditional content strategies with out-of-the-box thinking.

Start by defining clear objectives based on time-tested content practices, ensuring a solid foundation for your brand’s messaging and audience engagement. Then, infuse this with unusual, creative concepts that challenge the norm. Encourage outsourced partners to think divergently, fostering an environment where unique ideas are not just welcomed but actively sought.

This could involve exploring new content formats, experimenting with unconventional storytelling techniques, or leveraging the latest digital innovations.

By combining reliable strategies with inventive, unexpected elements, outsourced content becomes more than just informative; it becomes a beacon of creativity and originality. This dual approach not only captivates your audience but also solidifies your brand’s position as a leader in innovative content creation.

8 significant ways of inspiring innovativeness in outsourced content

Leveraging my 40+ years’ experience as a Brand Content Strategist with a penchant for the unusual, I have crafted 8 ideas below that combine time-tested approaches with innovative twists for achieving standout results in outsourcing content.

These ideas are designed to harness the power of conventional strategies while infusing them with unique, creative elements, ensuring the work you get from outsourced talent works even harder.

How To Achieve Innovative Content Through Outsourcing (Infographic)

1. Seeking strategic partnerships based on innovation

Strategic partnerships, especially those centered around innovation, are a cornerstone in achieving innovative content through outsourcing. For instance, imagine a clothing brand aiming to revitalize its digital presence. They partner with a content creation agency known for its unconventional storytelling and cutting-edge digital strategies.

This partnership’s success hinges on aligning the brand’s traditional values with the agency’s innovative content approaches. By leveraging the agency’s expertise in trendsetting content formats and immersive storytelling, the brand not only captures the essence of its legacy but also appeals to a modern, digitally-savvy audience.

This synergy allows the brand to tell captivating stories through augmented reality experiences in their online catalogs or through interactive social media campaigns, setting new standards in content marketing.

Such strategic alliances not only bring a fresh perspective to established marketing practices but also push the boundaries of creativity, ensuring the content produced is not just relevant but pioneering in its field.


  • Identifying partners with a track record in innovation: Research and select outsourcing partners who have demonstrated a history of innovative content creation. Look for those who have successfully executed groundbreaking campaigns or have a portfolio showcasing unique approaches to content marketing.
  • Setting clear innovation goals in partnerships: Establish specific innovation goals at the start of the partnership. These goals should align with your overall content strategy and be measurable, ensuring both parties understand the expectations for creative and innovative output.
  • Fostering open collaboration for creative ideas: Create an environment that encourages open dialogue and brainstorming sessions with your partners. This can lead to the generation of novel ideas and approaches, blending their expertise with your brand’s vision for innovative content.
  • Implementing Joint Research and development initiatives: Engage in joint R&D projects with your partners to explore new content technologies or methodologies. This collaborative effort can lead to the development of pioneering content strategies or tools that set your brand apart.
  • Regularly evaluating and adapting strategies: Conduct periodic reviews of the partnership’s output to assess its alignment with innovation goals. Be open to adapting and refining strategies based on feedback and performance metrics, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to content innovation.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Cross-Industry Creative Fusion.” This unusual enhancement involves partnering with companies from entirely different industries to bring a fresh perspective to content creation. By collaborating with a partner outside of the conventional content marketing sphere, new, unexpected ideas can emerge, blending diverse industry insights.

Applying this to the hypothetical example of the clothing brand, imagine partnering with a tech company specializing in virtual reality. This partnership could lead to an innovative campaign where customers virtually try on clothes in dynamic, digitally-created environments, combining fashion with cutting-edge technology. Such a fusion not only elevates the brand’s content strategy but also positions it at the forefront of digital innovation in retail.

2. Leveraging domain experts for added innovation

Leveraging domain experts for added innovation in content creation is a potent strategy for businesses looking to outsource. It involves tapping into the specialized knowledge and experience of experts in specific fields to enrich the content’s depth and authenticity.

For example, a health and wellness brand aiming to enhance its blog’s impact could collaborate with renowned nutritionists and fitness coaches. These experts can contribute cutting-edge insights and credible information, elevating the content’s quality and relevance.

Such collaborations also allow for the integration of latest trends and research findings, making the content not only informative but also a front-runner in industry-specific discussions. This approach not only boosts the brand’s credibility but also ensures that the content resonates deeply with a well-informed audience, looking for reliable and insightful information.

By harnessing the expertise of domain specialists, outsourced content transcends generic information, becoming a powerful tool for engaging and educating the audience in a meaningful way.


  • Identify industry-specific experts: Research and identify experts with specialized knowledge in your content’s domain. Look for individuals who are recognized authorities in their field and have a proven track record of insightful contributions.
  • Collaborative content creation: Work closely with these experts to co-create content. This collaboration should involve blending their specialized knowledge with your brand’s messaging, ensuring the content is both expert-driven and aligns with your content goals.
  • Incorporate expert insights and trends: Ensure the content includes the latest industry trends and insights. This could involve including data, research findings, or expert opinions that add depth and credibility to your content.
  • Customize expert roles based on content needs: Tailor the involvement of domain experts based on the specific needs of each content piece. Some may require in-depth collaboration, while others might only need expert validation or quotes.
  • Utilize experts in content promotion: Leverage the reputation and network of these experts in promoting the content. Their endorsement can increase content visibility and credibility, particularly within their domain of expertise.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Expert Role Reversal.” This unusual enhancement involves flipping the conventional role of domain experts from mere content advisors to leading content creators or narrators. In this approach, experts are not just sources of information; they actively drive the content creation process, offering their unique perspectives and storytelling skills.

Applying this to the hypothetical health and wellness brand, the nutritionists and fitness coaches could take on roles as primary content creators. They could narrate blogs or lead video content, sharing personal stories or client case studies, making the content more authentic and engaging. This method not only leverages their expertise but also adds a personal touch, making the content more relatable and impactful. By enabling experts to shape the narrative, “Expert Role Reversal” adds a layer of authenticity and innovation to the content strategy.

3. Encouraging the use of technological innovations

Encouraging outsourced talent to utilize technological innovations is a crucial strategy for elevating content marketing. This approach involves integrating the latest digital tools and platforms into the content creation process. For example, a travel agency outsourcing its content could encourage writers to use virtual reality (VR) technology to create immersive travel experiences.

Writers could craft VR-enabled articles that allow readers to virtually explore destinations, offering an interactive and engaging way to experience the content. This not only makes the articles more captivating but also positions the agency as a forward-thinking brand in digital content innovation.

By pushing outsourced talent to experiment with and adopt new technologies, businesses can transform their content into dynamic, interactive experiences that resonate with a tech-savvy audience.

This fusion of creativity and technology in content marketing not only enhances the user experience but also sets the brand apart as a leader in adopting cutting-edge content strategies.


  • Provide access to latest technology tools: Equip outsourced teams with access to the latest technology tools and platforms relevant to content creation. This includes software for graphic design, video editing, or interactive content platforms.
  • Offer training on emerging technologies: Organize training sessions or workshops for outsourced talent to familiarize them with new technologies. This can include webinars on how to use augmented reality tools or artificial intelligence in content creation.
  • Encourage experimentation with new media: Actively encourage outsourced partners to experiment with new forms of media, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, or interactive infographics, to create more engaging content.
  • Implement technology-driven content strategies: Develop and share content strategies that emphasize the use of technological innovations, making sure that these strategies are adaptable to the latest tech trends in content marketing.
  • Feedback and adaptation of tech-enabled content: Set up a system for regular feedback on technology-driven content, allowing for continuous adaptation and improvement based on performance analytics and audience engagement metrics.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Techno-Collaborative Challenges.” This unusual enhancement involves setting up regular innovation challenges or hackathons for outsourced talent, focusing on integrating new technologies into content creation. For the travel agency example, this could mean hosting a challenge where outsourced writers and tech developers collaborate to create the most innovative travel content using augmented reality (AR).

They could develop an AR-enabled travel blog series where readers can explore destinations through AR filters, enhancing the narrative with interactive, real-world elements. This not only encourages the use of technological innovations but also fosters a collaborative environment where creativity and technology intersect, leading to groundbreaking content solutions.

4. Experimenting with new content formats and styles

Encouraging outsourced talent to experiment with new content formats and styles can significantly enhance the creativity and impact of your content marketing strategy. Take, for example, a company that specializes in home decor.

To differentiate its blog, the company could encourage its outsourced writers and designers to experiment with various multimedia content formats. This might include creating interactive home design guides, augmented reality (AR) features that allow readers to visualize products in their own space, or even podcast episodes discussing the latest trends in home styling.

Such diverse formats not only cater to different audience preferences but also position the brand as a pioneer in digital content innovation within its industry.

This strategy of exploring a variety of content styles and technologies not only keeps the audience engaged but also continuously revitalizes the brand’s online presence, ensuring it stays relevant and appealing in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


  • Introduce diverse content creation challenges: Challenge outsourced teams to produce content in formats they haven’t used before, such as podcasts, infographics, or interactive posts. These challenges encourage them to step out of their comfort zone and explore new styles.
  • Provide examples of innovative content: Share a curated list of innovative content from various industries as inspiration. This list should include unique and effective use of different formats and styles that can stimulate creative thinking in your outsourced talent.
  • Facilitate workshops on emerging content trends: Host workshops focusing on the latest trends in content creation, such as storytelling through augmented reality or using data visualization effectively. These sessions can spark ideas for new formats and styles.
  • Set up a pilot project for new formats: Implement a pilot project where outsourced talent works on a specific new content format or style, assessing its effectiveness and audience engagement. This allows them to gain hands-on experience with different content types.
  • Encourage audience engagement analysis: Instruct outsourced talent to analyze audience engagement with different content formats. Understanding what resonates with the audience can guide them in experimenting with new styles more effectively.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Format Fusion.” This enhancement involves blending multiple content formats into a single cohesive piece, pushing outsourced talent to merge various styles and mediums in innovative ways. In the context of the home decor company, this could mean creating a blog post that starts with a narrative story, evolves into an interactive virtual tour of a home, and concludes with an infographic summarizing key design tips.

The narrative draws readers in, the virtual tour immerses them in a real-life application, and the infographic provides practical takeaways. “Format Fusion” not only enriches the content experience but also showcases the versatility and creativity of the brand, making the content more engaging and memorable for the audience.

5. Enhancing partners' learning and development

Enhancing the learning and development of outsourced partners is a critical step in fostering innovation in content creation. Imagine a digital marketing firm that outsources its content writing.

To ensure these writers produce top-tier content, the firm could offer monthly webinars on the latest SEO strategies, storytelling techniques, and content trends. These sessions, led by industry experts, would not only update the writers on current best practices but also stimulate innovative thinking and approaches to content.

For example, a webinar on interactive storytelling might inspire a writer to develop a series of interactive blog posts for a client’s product launch, engaging the audience in a novel way.

This ongoing education ensures that the outsourced talent remains at the cutting edge of content marketing, continually bringing fresh, informed perspectives to their work, which in turn drives the overall success of the firm’s content strategy.


  • Organize regular training workshops: Conduct monthly or quarterly training workshops for outsourced talent, focusing on the latest trends and techniques in content marketing, such as SEO, social media best practices, and visual storytelling.
  • Provide access to online courses and resources: Offer subscriptions or access to online courses and learning resources that cover various aspects of content marketing, digital media, and creative writing.
  • Implement mentorship programs: Pair outsourced talent with experienced mentors from within the industry for guidance, knowledge sharing, and skill enhancement in content creation and marketing strategies.
  • Facilitate attendance at industry conferences: Support and encourage outsourced partners to attend relevant industry conferences and webinars, enabling them to stay updated and network with other professionals in the field.
  • Create a knowledge sharing platform: Develop an online platform or forum where outsourced partners can share insights, learnings, and innovative content strategies, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Creative Cross-Training.” This unusual enhancement involves exposing outsourced partners to completely different fields or disciplines as a means to spark creativity and bring a fresh perspective to their content development. In the case of the digital marketing firm, this could mean offering courses or experiences in areas like photography, graphic design, or even creative writing workshops outside the realm of traditional marketing.

For instance, a content writer could attend a workshop on abstract painting, which could inspire them to think more visually and metaphorically in their writing, leading to more vivid and engaging content. This approach of “Creative Cross-Training” helps break routine thought patterns and fosters a more diverse, innovative approach to content creation.

6. Building best practices for content innovation

Building best practices for outsourced talent in content innovation is about creating a framework that consistently produces high-quality, inventive content. This involves establishing guidelines that encourage creative thinking while maintaining brand consistency.

Take, for instance, a company specializing in eco-friendly products. To ensure their outsourced content aligns with their innovative and sustainable ethos, they could develop a set of best practices focusing on eco-centric themes, storytelling techniques that highlight sustainability, and guidelines for incorporating research on environmental issues.

These practices not only guide the content creators in producing material that resonates with the brand’s values but also ensure that each piece of content is informative, engaging, and aligned with the latest environmental trends.

Through these best practices, the company ensures that even outsourced content reinforces its position as a leader in sustainability, thereby maintaining a strong, consistent brand voice across all platforms.


  • Developing a comprehensive content guide: Create a detailed guide for outsourced talent that outlines your brand’s tone, style, and preferred content structures. This guide should serve as a go-to resource for maintaining consistency and fostering innovation in content creation.
  • Establishing clear communication channels: Set up dedicated channels for communication and feedback, ensuring that outsourced teams can easily discuss ideas, ask questions, and receive guidance on their creative endeavors.
  • Organizing regular creative workshops: Host workshops or webinars focused on creative thinking and innovation in content creation. These sessions should aim to inspire outsourced talent and provide them with new ideas and perspectives.
  • Creating a repository of inspirational content: Build a digital library of innovative content examples, both from within your industry and outside of it. This resource should be used to inspire outsourced talent and give them a benchmark for innovation.
  • Implementing a feedback loop for continuous improvement: Establish a structured process for providing regular, constructive feedback to outsourced teams. This should focus on both the strengths and areas for innovation in their content, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and creativity.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Innovation Incubation Sessions.” This unusual enhancement involves establishing regular brainstorming sessions where outsourced talent collaborates with internal teams to explore and develop innovative content ideas. In the context of the eco-friendly products company, these sessions could focus on generating content that not only promotes their products but also educates the audience about environmental sustainability.

The teams could collaborate on creating interactive content, such as virtual reality experiences of endangered ecosystems or infographics detailing the impact of sustainable living. This approach not only fosters a deeper understanding of the brand’s values among the outsourced talent but also encourages the generation of creative content ideas that align closely with the company’s mission of promoting sustainability. “Innovation Incubation Sessions” thus become a crucible for melding diverse perspectives into unique and impactful content.

7. Regularly monitoring performance in innovation

Regularly monitoring outsourced content performance in innovation is essential to ensure that the content strategy aligns with evolving market trends and audience preferences.

Consider a company that outsources content for its lifestyle blog. Implementing a robust analytics system would allow the company to track various metrics like reader engagement, social shares, and conversion rates. For example, if a newly implemented interactive quiz format shows higher engagement rates compared to traditional blog posts, the company can then encourage outsourced creators to develop more interactive content.

This continual monitoring and analysis enable the company to identify which innovative approaches work best, allowing them to refine their strategy for maximum impact.

It’s not just about tracking performance but using the insights gained to adapt and evolve the content strategy. Regularly evaluating outsourced content in this way ensures that innovation remains at the forefront of the company’s content marketing efforts, driving both audience engagement and business growth.


  • Set specific performance metrics: Define clear, measurable performance metrics for outsourced content, such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and social shares, tailored to gauge the innovation impact of each content piece.
  • Implement regular review meetings: Schedule regular meetings with outsourced teams to review content performance data, discuss insights, and strategize on future content based on these findings.
  • Utilize advanced analytics tools: Employ advanced analytics tools to gather detailed insights on how each piece of content performs, focusing on innovative aspects like user interaction with new formats or styles.
  • Conduct A/B testing for innovation: Regularly conduct A/B testing on different content formats and styles to understand what resonates best with the audience and drives the desired engagement.
  • Feedback loop for continuous improvement: Establish a feedback loop where insights from content performance are used to continually refine and improve the content strategy, focusing specifically on the innovative elements of the content.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Dynamic Innovation Tracking.” This enhancement involves integrating real-time feedback mechanisms directly into the content, allowing for immediate and ongoing monitoring of its performance. In the case of the lifestyle blog, this could mean embedding interactive elements like quick polls or reaction buttons within the blog posts. These tools would not only provide immediate feedback on the content’s reception but also track how users interact with different innovative elements over time.

Analyzing these real-time data streams would enable the company to rapidly identify successful innovations and adjust their strategy accordingly, making the process of content evaluation more dynamic and responsive to user engagement. This method transforms traditional performance monitoring into a living, evolving system that keeps pace with the ever-changing digital content landscape.

8. Embracing a culture that richly rewards innovation

Embracing a culture that richly rewards innovation in outsourced content creation is a powerful strategy to motivate and inspire outsourced talent to think outside the box. For instance, a digital marketing agency might implement a rewards system for its freelance content creators, where innovative content ideas are recognized and rewarded.

This could be in the form of bonuses, public acknowledgment, or opportunities for more significant projects. Let’s suppose a freelancer develops a groundbreaking interactive video series that significantly increases engagement for a client’s campaign. In that case, they are rewarded both financially and through highlighting their work on the agency’s platforms.

This not only motivates the freelancer to continue pushing the boundaries of creative content but also sets a precedent for others, fostering a competitive yet collaborative environment where innovation is not just encouraged but tangibly valued.

Such a culture not only elevates the quality of content produced but also helps in attracting and retaining top creative talent who are eager to contribute their best, innovative ideas.


  • Implement a recognition program for innovative contributions: Establish a program that publicly recognizes and celebrates outsourced talent for their innovative content contributions, such as a monthly spotlight on the best creative work.
  • Offer performance-based bonuses for creativity: Set up a bonus system that financially rewards outsourced creators when their content achieves specific innovation metrics or greatly enhances user engagement and brand visibility.
  • Create opportunities for advanced projects and roles: Provide opportunities for outsourced talent to work on more advanced or high-profile projects as a reward for their innovative work, thereby giving them a platform for further growth and exposure.
  • Facilitate participation in professional development events: Reward innovative outsourced talent with opportunities to attend industry events, workshops, or training sessions, aiding in their professional growth and network expansion.
  • Provide constructive feedback and career guidance: Regularly give personalized, constructive feedback to outsourced contributors, including career guidance and advice on how to further hone their innovative skills and creativity.
Unusual Idea


Consider the idea of “Creative Equity Sharing.” This unusual enhancement involves offering outsourced talent a stake in the success of their innovative projects. For example, if a freelance content creator develops a highly successful digital marketing campaign for a company, they receive not only immediate recognition and a financial bonus but also a small percentage of the increased revenue attributed to their work.

This approach goes beyond conventional reward systems by directly tying the creator’s compensation to the success of their innovation. It not only motivates outsourced talent to produce exceptionally creative work but also fosters a deeper sense of ownership and alignment with the company’s objectives. This method of rewarding innovation creates a more invested relationship between the company and its outsourced creators, encouraging long-term commitment to quality and innovation in content creation.

In summary

  1. Versatility in content creation: One of the core takeaways is the importance of versatility in writing for different content types and formats. Each format, whether it’s a blog, video, or social media post, requires a unique approach in terms of structure, tone, and presentation. Mastering these nuances ensures that your content is effective and resonates with the intended audience.

  2. Balancing clarity, conciseness, and engagement: Achieving a balance between clarity, conciseness, and engagement is crucial. Writing that is clear and to the point, yet persuasive and engaging, is key to capturing and retaining audience attention across various platforms.

  3. Optimization and adaptation: The necessity of optimizing content for different platforms and search engines, and adapting it according to audience feedback and platform-specific algorithms, is essential. This approach not only enhances visibility and reach but also ensures that the content remains relevant and engaging in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Take your brand's content marketing from run-of-the-mill to remarkable

Shobha Ponnappa

"As a Content/Brand Specialist, and SEO/UX Writer, I can help transform your brand's online presence. I can lift it with innovative ideas to take it to an enviable position. Let's collaborate to create a captivating brand story, engage your audience, boost your online visibility, and increase your ROI. Take the next step towards your brand content success and contact me today."

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