Portfolio Sample 14

Long Form Social Posts


Pinterest and Instagram are two social channels where pictorial power reigns. The popularity of these channels is the pull of the thumb-stopping imagery – like the two “thinkographics” shown.

The third sample below is of a long-form Instagram post of a top photography niche influencer, who uses great outdoor shots he has taken to advocate the brand of camera that pays to use his services as an influencer.

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“Long Form Social Posts” offer brands a golden opportunity to delve deeper into topics, products, or services that need more than a quick snippet to explain. Unlike short social posts that aim to capture fleeting attention, long-form content is designed to engage audiences more substantially, providing ample space for storytelling, education, or persuasion.

This depth of content can elevate a brand as a thought leader in its industry, foster stronger community engagement, and ultimately, influence consumer behavior over the long term.

They are also an excellent medium for influencers to provide more nuanced endorsements for brands, adding an authentic voice that resonates with a wider audience.

However, the challenges in crafting effective long-form social posts are multi-fold. The key difficulty lies in maintaining reader interest throughout the post; it’s easy for attention to wane in today’s fast-scrolling culture.

The post must be structured well, with a compelling introduction, informative body, and a succinct conclusion, all while adhering to the character limits and format constraints specific to each social platform.

Additionally, such posts require a considerable investment of time and resources for research, writing, and editing to ensure accuracy and value. Poorly executed long-form content can be counterproductive, diluting the brand’s message and wasting the audience’s time.

Nevertheless, when done right, long-form social posts can be a significant asset to any brand’s content strategy. With careful planning, skilled writing, and a deep understanding of the target audience, long-form posts can become a pillar in a brand’s social media engagement strategy.

Read on …

Thinkographics for Pinterest

Thinkographic on Pinterest 1
Thinkographic on Pinterest 2

Instagram Influencer Post

Instagram Influencer Post

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